Our other children
There’s a photo on our fridge. 11 students: 6 girls. 5 boys. 1 student leader. My wife and myself. Anytime I go to that fridge whether to get something to drink or to eat…I see that picture. I do not post the picture in the blog for the privacy of those in the picture. Some of those 11 are no longer with us. With us meaning, no more part of our youth group. I admit it hurts. I admit at times I have felt like a failure wondering if what I am doing is the right thing. I know they are just “kids”. Ages 13-19. They have their own minds. Some are already made up. Some want to be there. Some are made to be there. You try to make it fun for them, but at the same time, you know…and hopefully they do too…that it’s not all about fun. Life is serious. The enemy is a real person only looking for those he can devour. John 10:10 says he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. “That’s ministry”: That is a phrase I recently heard and for those who are in the minis...